Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike recruit Charlie Sheen for tasteless voter video
In an effort to be #1 on the Bottom Top 100 DJ’s list this year, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike have pulled more than 1 tasteless stunt to do so. While a lot of people disregard this poll as nothing but a popularity contest (because, quite frankly, it is), there are a still a large majority or people that take it all too seriously – including the DJ’s that are consistently pushing for votes, as if making the list is some sort of direct correlation to how quality of a DJ/Producer they are (Ha!). }
At any rate, on top of their iPad stunt at TomorrowLand, they’ve hit a new low by recruiting none other than drug addict/party animal Charlie Sheen, in a new video posted on FB to urge people to vote for them. It’s a relatively tame video, however, at the very end, we’re left with nothing short of a tacky insult, in a desperate attempt to persuade us to voting for them. We get that it’s a semi-joke, but, “Winning”?… we hope not.
A video posted by Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike (@dimitrivegasandlikemike) on
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