Porter Robinson releases ‘Worlds’ remix album
Porter Robinson has released the remixes to his epic album Worlds. This remix pack has a lot of great songs, each one taking on a different personality when compared to the original. Some songs are better than others, but with that said, they are all pretty good.
Rob Mayth’s remix of “Years Of War” is my favorite of all the remixes. The buildup is great and its two different drops pay respect to hardstyle. The second drop in particular is one of the best ones I’ve heard in a while. This is the kind of song that you would close a festival with. Massive bass hits, energetic, and fun. I wouldn’t be surprised to find this song on the main stage.
Another great remix comes from Odesza to Porter Robinson’s probably biggest track in the album. This song starts out slow and builds to a drop that can be described as chill. It’s certainly not as hard as the Years Of War remix, and because of that I like it. This is a great song to just chill and rock out to. Its vocals remind me of Otto Knows’ “Million Voices” and I think that’s a plus. It’s simple, but a good kind of simple.
Deon Custom’s take-on is possibly the most Porter Robinson sounding song of all the remixes. It sounds a lot like the original Sad Machine but has some key differences. There’s way more bass and less highs. It maintains that Robinson tempo though, which is why it’s still a solid remix.
San Holo has created another song that is on the chiller side of things. It has a relaxed buildup followed by a drop that is characterized by a lot of synth. The bass is there, but certainly not as in your face as Years Of War. The entire signature is relaxed, and for that reason I find this a great driving song.
This song is one of my least favorites on this pack. The first drop is cluttered and there’s almost too much going on. The sounds don’t really go together either. Mat Zo kept most of Robinson’s song and tried to add to it, which I’m not a fan of. With that said, the second drop of this song is a lot better. It seemingly just works better, despite the fact that I can’t fully put my finger on why.
Another song that is absolutely chill, especially when compared to other tracks on this list. It reminds me of electronic 6 years or so ago, and for that reason, despite it being a bit too relaxed for me, I like it. It could use a bit more energy in the buildup, but that’s a small complaint. I could see this being another great driving song.
Ahh Polygon Dust, a favorite of so many. Sleepy Tom took an interesting route with this, and unfortunately I cannot agree with the route he took. This song sounds absolutely nothing like Polygon Dust. While polygon dust has a lot going on and is energetic, this song takes away those features. It’s much more relaxed and the drop is almost too empty to even be considered close to Polygon Dust. The only real similarity is the vocals.
Right away you can tell this song is going to be much more energetic compared to Sleepy Tom’s remix, which is a great thing. Electric Mantis’ makeover starts out really well- it has a happy tone, a nice melody, and the vocals are mixed in nicely. It doesn’t have an extended buildup which is also nice. This remix reminds me a lot of Flume or Vanic- it has that slower but fun drop.
Anybody who tries to remix Lionhearted is a brave soul. Any remix has to live up to a song that is already great. I’d say this Point Point did very well here. It has a nice buildup and once again the vocals are brought in nicely. Its tone is on the happier side of things and it has some piano in it as well. The drop is full and energetic giving a synth vibe. I must say though- I swear I’ve heard this drop before. I’m not sure where, but it’s certainly been around before.
Galimatias took a really weird path with this song, and that’s the only way I can really describe it- weird. The drop is honestly something I have not heard before and I’m leaning more towards not liking it than liking it. Beyond saying this song is weird I really can’t comment further on it.
If I had to compare this remix to an artist it would be someone along the lines of Carnage or Adventure Club. It’s one of those songs that is on the darker side of the scale- it has a focus on the bass through most of the song. The vocals are put in well but I can’t help but think that they are slightly out of place when it comes to the way the drop is made. With that said, this is defiantly a song that will be played in Bass tents at festivals.
The last song is a longer one- coming in at 6:13. It’s another chill song that leads you on a journey. It has its happier parts, its sadder parts, its faster and slower parts. It’s not like most songs we hear today. For that reason I like it. It has a lot of different parts and phases. It’s a great way to end an album after listening to the whole thing.
All in all this is a great remix pack. Sure, some songs are better than others, but all in all it’s pretty good. Credit to Rob Mayth and ODESZA, they really made great songs. I can’t wait to see where Robinson goes next – it will probably be good no matter where he goes.
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