Jauz & Snails – Motherfuckers
Following months of waiting and several teasers, mythical dance music icons Sam Vogel a.k.a Jauz and Frédérik Durand a.k.a Snails have finally unleashed their monster collaboration Motherfuckers which is out now on Sam’s very own record label to the ears of eager fans around the world. This track is a blend of Snails’ signature vomit step and Bass house which is the genre that Jauz exposed and propelled to the forecourt of the commercial word. Anyone who listens to dance music has definitely heard at least 1 song made by either of the previously mentioned artists as they are both at the top of their game and leading the way in their genres.
Kicking off with an slow tempo and catchy melody, the track immediately captivates the listener with trademark elements of both artists and reels in attention from start to finish. Repeating the R-rated words throughout the intro while small elements are added, all leading up to a filthy drop that will make even the most tired and boring people dance uncontrollably. The song keeps the same entertaining and unique rhythm throughout with Durand’s sound shining a little more near the end.
The track is a fresh burst of air and something a little different than what fans are used to hearing which is a very welcome change and a future Sci-fi vibe, but it shows that Snails and Jauz aren’t worried not scared about being boxed in and cornered into one genre. You can grab a copy of the track here and make sure you add it to your favorite playlist.

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