Armin van Buuren unveils special ‘Balance’ murals
It’s been an exciting few days for the music industry as Armin Van Buuren released his long-awaited latest studio album ‘Balance‘. With an array of older fan favourites and new anthems to pour over, Armin has well and truly treated his fans with 28 tracks across two discs. Turning this into a whole spectacle, he even opened up his own ‘Balance’ themed escape room before the launch, during Amsterdam Dance Event, which lasts for two weeks and went all out with the theme and story behind it. Fans thought this was an incredible and unique interactive experience but that wasn’t all Armin would do for fans.
On the same day as the worldwide album release, Armin Van Buuren unveiled the exciting news that he had taken over wall spaces in three major cities and – with the help of three local artists HoxxoH (New York), Solteroarte (Mexico City) and Mr. June (Amsterdam) – created ‘Balance’ murals. Fans in New York, Mexico City and Amsterdam are invited to take photos and videos of the mural and post it to socials with the hashtag ‘ #arminXbalance’ and tag him in the content. Fitting in with the simple black and white split colour scheme and design of the album, each mural is unique to the respective cities. As well as being an amazing spectacle to see in person, each mural also contains a scannable Spotify code which will lead people to the album to experience it all side by side.
The exact locations are as follows:
- Mexico City, Mexico – Tehuantepec 273, Colonia Condesa
- New York, the U.S. – Brooklyn, East Williamsburg, 345 Troutman St.
- Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 353 by
If you can, be sure to check out your local mural and upload your content to your social media accounts! We can’t wait to see all the pictures from the fans!
1/3 -> To celebrate the release of my album 'Balance' I've launched something unique! In New York City, Mexico City and Amsterdam, three local artists painted a 'Balance' mural.
— Armin van Buuren (@arminvanbuuren) October 25, 2019
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