Home Eric Prydz classic ‘Call On Me’ turns 16 years old
Eric Prydz classic ‘Call On Me’ turns 16 years old
Eric Prydz at Ultra Australia
Image Credit: Rukes.com

Eric Prydz classic ‘Call On Me’ turns 16 years old

Home Eric Prydz classic ‘Call On Me’ turns 16 years old

Mention ‘Call On Me‘ to Eric Prydz and you’ll most likely be met with a face of disapproval, but there can be no doubt that this timeless anthem was a huge contributing factor in putting the Swedish genius on the mainstream map. Released in September 2004, Prydz has since spoke out against the hit, disapproving of the video which accompanied the release as he claimed the label took most of the control in the track’s overall promotion. For a self-confessed ‘control freak’ like Pryda; the man who left the original line-up of Swedish House Mafia before they became big due to this exact same reason, you can understand his concerns. The track’s official video became more famous than the song itself, thanks to an X-rated and tongue-in-cheek production which saw sweaty gym goers indulge in explicit pelvic-thrusts in what appeared to be some kind of Brazzers parody.

From another viewpoint, it worked a treat! ‘Call On Me’ really elevated Prydz into the spotlight as the track soared to a UK number 1, topping the charts with ease during the Autumn period exactly 16 years ago. Though Eric now refuses to play the track in his live sets, favouring a deeper and more progressive approach thanks to his Cirez D alias, there can be no doubting that this one still goes off whenever it’s dropped! With a vast majority of modern ‘EDM’ fans now in their late twenties and early thirties, those same fans would have been in peak-adolescence during their teenage years when this saucy video was first released, so why not relive the nostalgia of those sexually adventurous lunges one more time by checking out the official video below! From all of us at We Rave You… A happy 16th birthday to the timeless Eric Prydz classic more commonly known as ‘Call On Me’.


Image Credit: Rukes.com

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