Tomorrowland releases aftermovie for its 15th anniversary edition
Not too many days ago the People of Tomorrow gathered on the holy grounds of Provinciaal Recreatiedomein De Schorre, in Boom, Belgium to celebrate 15 years of Tomorrowland and electronic music. Today, the aftermovie of Tomorrowland’s anniversary has been released which is once again, a fantastic production by the organizers themselves.
Opening with the famous quote of Martin Luther King Jr.: ‘I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.’ along with a part of the final speech of The Great Dictator: ‘You, the people have the power – [..] The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then [..] – let us use that power – let us all unite.’ incorporating Tomorrowland’s values. To live, love and unite.
Followed by the introductory speech, the after movie showcases people arriving either at the campsite setting up their tents or on their Global Journey flight, one of Tomorrowland’s travel package options accompanied by Kölsch‘s ‘AC1609’ and Joris Voorn‘s ‘Antigone’. Heading straight into the festival moments after, you’ll see this year’s magnificent mainstage reviving ‘The Book of Wisdom’ theme from 2012 and incorporated elements from each theme of the past couple of years.
Besides free upgrades to Easy Tents, another accommodation package Tomorrowland offers where you get a tent pre-setup (to be seen at around minute 16:30), Tomorrowland surprised visitors with free champagne and other treats during this years edition.
Here are 5 things to look out for in this years aftermovie which you might not see in some of the sets:
- The inside of this year’s Freedom Stage and Eric Prydz’ HOLOSPHERE
- The lasers and LEDs in the Atmosphere stage
- The Garden of Madness illuminated at night and surrounded by fountains
- The mainstage fireworks at night
- This year’s end-show that was played each evening after the festival
Once again, Tomorrowland delivered a magical experience to their guests, even with the inclement weather on weekend 2 where it rained all Saturday and the majority of Sunday, but that wouldn’t stop any of the people that were lucky enough to get tickets from having an amazing time. It’s already announced that next years edition of Tomorrowland will take place during the 2 last weekends of July from July 17th – 19th & 24th – 26th, 2020 but more information are yet to be revealed.
Check out the aftermovie below – the tracklist can be found in the video’s description. Anything that we missed or that you particularly liked of this years edition of Tomorrowland or the aftermovie? Let us know in the comments.
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