Home Uncategorized Top Ways to Start Learning to Play the Piano
Top Ways to Start Learning to Play the Piano
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Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Top Ways to Start Learning to Play the Piano

Home Uncategorized Top Ways to Start Learning to Play the Piano

Some people play and record music with their computers. They use special keyboards and software, and look for free plugins for music production. For many others, learning to play the traditional piano is a goal that they want to achieve. If this sounds like you, then it’s time to take action! 

The good news is there are many ways for you to learn to play the piano and get started with your lessons. This article can provide you with the necessary tips to make your journey easier, faster and more fun.

Access Online Tutorials

One of the best ways to start learning piano is by taking lessons online. There are many websites that have free or paid courses for people who want to learn how to play. Not only can you watch videos about each key, but there are often step-by-step written instructions alongside this. You can often find videos with popular songs so you can develop your skills as you play your favorite tunes.

Start by learning each note on your keyboard (including sharps/flats) and the different octaves before attempting any song. Use the proper finger placement and get a good grasp of music notation and theory as this will provide you with an invaluable foundation. If you go online you can see in this tutorial that it can be easy and fun playing the best-known songs of all time. People enjoy watching video lessons, learning about suspended chords and subscribing for free lessons by email.

Get Some One To One Teaching

If you can afford to pay for private lessons rather than attending a music class, you can learn at your own pace. You’ll also be able to ask questions about techniques or songs without having to worry about disrupting the class. Other advantages include:

  • Having a teacher’s undivided attention
  • Learning songs that you like
  • Focusing on skills rather than repertoire
  • Overcoming your personal challenges (speed, accuracy etc.)
Attend Music Classes

It’s also worth saying that there are advantages to music classes too. They’re often cheaper, especially if they’re for beginners. The students can share their own experiences with one another and it can feel more like a group journey than an individual process. This can help with motivation, especially when it comes to doing your home practice and learning.

Some parents take their kids to music clubs because it’s easier to involve them all, even when they are at different ages. They can all be dropped off together, and they may also be able to try different instruments. It may be that in time one child will prefer the guitar or flute to the piano. It’s worth doing some local research in case there is a company or church that offers this type of instruction.

Watch YouTube Videos

Not everyone can afford lessons, and not everyone learns by simply reading text. Piano playing is a practical activity, and one of the best ways to learn a new skill is by example. There are plenty of piano-related videos on Youtube that can provide you with free step-by-step instructions. They often provide examples covering different styles as well (e.g. classical, jazz, pop).

You can watch the videos at a time that suits you, and do so over and over again if required.  Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can play along as if you had a teacher present in the room with you.

Buy Music Software

There are DVDs and software packages that you can buy to help you learn the piano.Before purchasing any software, it is worth trying out various programs online for free. There may be free trial periods or free/cheaper versions that have restricted lessons.

If appropriate, ask your friends about their experiences using different music software. Also, check out Facebook groups which can connect you to other people who share your interests, but who are further along on the journey.

Buy Music Books

High street bookstores offer a variety of books that are aimed at beginners. By going at your own pace, it can be more flexible for busy people (rather than having to attend specific lessons at specific times). However, some people struggle to learn by reading and need someone to show them how to do it. It’s also possible to develop bad habits if you don’t have a music teacher present to correct you.

Once you’re up and running you can begin to buy sheet music for all your favorite tunes. Always invest in good quality, easy-to-read music notation. This especially applies if your eyesight isn’t great – and you may not want to play something that’s in a difficult key.

Learn To Play With Others

Music is often a shared experience, so it can take things up a level if you learn to play along with others. You could practice with a group of friends or at an after-school club. You’ll quickly discover that the playing doesn’t stop every time you make a mistake or wish to begin again, but that’s a good lesson! 

If you join a band, you’ll learn about teamwork. It might not be for everyone but if you enjoy it, it will give you a chance to grow in confidence. Before you know it, you may be playing in public.

Orchestras are another corporate activity you could consider, especially if you love classical music. You can take part in practice sessions and concerts, potentially working with others on pieces by Mozart or Beethoven. Don’t feel discounted because you are a beginner: there are youth orchestras and others that don’t take themselves too seriously – it’s meant to be fun, after all.

As you can see there are many ways for you to learn the piano. Choose what’s most suitable for you within your current budget. Be patient with yourself and practice regularly, because you may progress fantastically over time. Whilst it may seem challenging (especially at the start) this could be the beginning of a new hobby that you will enjoy for a lifetime – and so will all those who hear you.


Featured Image Credit: Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

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