Hexic delivers a sonic adventure on debut album ‘Archetype’: Listen
The story of origins and environment are often crucial in understanding an artist’s creative plight and journey, yet for Hexic, the opposite is true as the mysterious producer prefers his work to tell the whole tale. With the release of his debut album, Archetype, the world may not get any closer to understanding the creator behind the release, but they are gifted 11 incredible productions to enjoy and look for clues into the artist behind it all.
Delivered via Subcarbon Records, the debut full-length album from Hexic reveals a unique collection of songs and samples, crafting anthems and energies that run the spectrum from ska to dub to bass, the producer keeps listeners on their toes. Discussing the vast array of themes and concepts, Hexic says:
“”Pirates? Gangsters? A… Cooking Show? With Archetype, Hexic proudly exclaims: YES! In this quirky, bombastic debut album from Hexic, nothing is held back. Each track a departure from the last, Archetype is an eclectic, electric multi-genre adventure sure to keep you guessing until the very end. Join Hexic as he weaves characters, bass, and magic into one unforgettable debut.”
Across the eleven tracks, the producer brings listeners along on a journey through his subconscious, treating fans to a musical escapade that lacks boundaries yet marries the themes of albums such as MF Doom’s classic MM..Food, splicing intelligent beats and production alongside unique samples to create an energy and atmosphere. While Hexic lacks the lyrical dexterity of MF Doom, musically, he conveys a message and story that is intriguing and engaging. Every track on Archetype drags listeners deeper into the world of Hexic, as he creates a concept and landscape that extends beyond the confines of the dance floor.
While the mystery of Hexic remains, his music is forceful and engaging. Check out the incredible debut album, Archetype, out now.
Image Credit: Press Photo | Provided by GetIn! PR
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