Home News ATB reveals the reason behind his final album
ATB reveals the reason behind his final album
Press/Provided by Listen-Up PR

ATB reveals the reason behind his final album

Home News ATB reveals the reason behind his final album

ATB, the legendary German electronic music producer, recently shared a heartfelt message with fans, explaining why his upcoming 2025 release will be his last studio album. Reflecting on his storied career, ATB, whose real name is Andre Tanneberger, highlighted both his love for album creation and the significant changes in the music industry that influenced his decision.

André Reflects on His Storied Career

In his social media post, ATB reminisced about his journey that began with the release of his debut album “Movin’ Melodies” in 1999. Since then, he has produced nine more albums, including “Two Worlds,” “Dedicated,” “Addicted to Music,” “No Silence,” “Trilogy,” “Future Memories,” “Distant Earth,” and “Contact.” ATB expressed, “I’ve always loved working on albums, spending weeks deciding on the song order, and sometimes creating transitions between tracks to take you on a musical journey and let you escape into another world.”

However, ATB noted how the era of streaming and digital downloads has dramatically altered the music landscape. He pointed out that today’s fast-paced consumption, driven by skip rates and algorithms, often prevents tracks from having the time to grow on listeners. “In today’s era of streaming and downloads, unfortunately, such concepts don’t stand much of a chance anymore,” he explained. This shift has led him to conclude that the album format he cherishes is no longer viable in the current market.

What’s Next for ATB?

Despite this, ATB reassured fans that his musical journey is far from over. He plans to continue creating new music and performing live, staying true to the motto of his current “Don’t Stop Summer Tour 2024.” He wrote, “And don’t worry: this is not the end of my musical career! I will continue to perform and create new music even after this album.”

ATB‘s final album, set for release in 2025, is a tribute to his loyal fan base who have supported him for three decades. “I’m doing this for you, my loyal fan base, who have joined me on my musical journey for 30 years and who have understood and loved this concept of my albums,” he expressed.

This announcement marks the end of an era, but it also sets the stage for a celebration of ATB‘s enduring legacy. His upcoming world tour will give fans one last chance to experience the magic of his music live, enjoying both classic hits and new, unreleased tracks from his final album.

As he gears up for this next chapter, ATB‘s message to his fans remains clear: “DON’T STOP.” His dedication to his craft and his audience remains unwavering, promising that his influence in the electronic music world will continue well beyond his final studio album.


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