Home Featured John Summit addresses Avicii comparisons calling them “extremely disrespectful” 
John Summit addresses Avicii comparisons calling them “extremely disrespectful” 
John Summit at EDC Las Vegas 2024
Insomniac/Courtesy of DKC

John Summit addresses Avicii comparisons calling them “extremely disrespectful” 

Home Featured John Summit addresses Avicii comparisons calling them “extremely disrespectful” 

John Summit has recently responded to comments comparing his workload to that of Avicii’s, saying that the comparison is “really extremely disrespectful.” 

The rise of house producer John Summit has ascended exponentially over the last few years. He has quickly gone from a daytime act to a household name that now headlines the biggest festivals in the industry. Just like many other DJs who are at the top of their game, Summit is high in demand, especially in the United States when it comes to booking. Sometimes Summit ends up playing as many as three shows a day. This type of schedule has led to questions about his workload and the fear that he might be outdoing what he is physically capable of, and many have taken to social media to share their concerns. However, one comment led to Summit responding as it compared his workload to that of Avicii’s, saying that he was ’’gonna crash out just like [him] just wait.’’

Summit then created a video with the comment tagged addressing the comparison, saying that it was ’’really extremely disrespectful’’ and that ’’Avicii was an incredible artist and incredibly inspiring to [Summit].’’ He then goes on in the video to say to please stop and that he knows it’s not the easiest life to live, but it’s the one he loves and that he really enjoys entertaining people and making music.

’’If there is any way to honor [Avicii’s] legacy, it’s by not making those same mistakes. It’s just really, really getting on my nerves.’’ – John Summit

Avicii passed away on April 20th, 2018, at the age of 28. Many consider the Swedish producer one of the greats, (if not the greatest) of electronic music and one of the biggest influences to ever be in the industry. His songs have earned billions of streams, and he was the first Swedish artist to have a song cross over two billion streams. He was one of the few electronic producers who have had songs cross over into the mainstream listening audience. His struggles with burnout and mental health have been documented over the years.

See the full video on John Summit’s TikTok page here.

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