Home Uncategorized Avicii Arena announces first concert set for December
Avicii Arena announces first concert set for December
Avicii Arena
Image Credits: Avicii (KABIK /

Avicii Arena announces first concert set for December

Home Uncategorized Avicii Arena announces first concert set for December

We all knew that it was only a short matter of time until the announcement of the first event at the newly named Avicii Arena in Stockholm. That time has finally come, and it will take place at the end of this year. The Tim Bergling Foundation and the Avicii Arena have announced that they will be presenting the “Avicii Arena Together For A Better Day” concert on December 1st.

According to a press release, the concert is “created to draw attention to the need to help young people struggling with mental health issues and suicide and the alarming statistics that show their struggles increasing.” It will come in as an annual event and feature artists that span across numerous genres, with most being Swedish-based.

Avicii Arena

“I hope we succeed in creating a feeling that we really do this together, because it is only together that we can make a difference. Young people are our future and we must be afraid for them. It is unacceptable that they are getting worse and that suicide rates are rising in that group – and it is our duty to do what we can to break that trend.” – Klas Bergling

Tickets will go on sale on October 13th and can be purchased here.


Image Credits: Avicii (KABIK / MEDIAPUNCH/MEDIAPUNCH/IPX), Avicii Arena (Avicii Arena/ASM-Global)

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