Home Editorials Exploring The Crazy Link Between Online Slots & Electronic Music
Exploring The Crazy Link Between Online Slots & Electronic Music
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Exploring The Crazy Link Between Online Slots & Electronic Music

Home Editorials Exploring The Crazy Link Between Online Slots & Electronic Music

Music is found in all walks of life and plays a big role in many different things. It’s a known fact that musical scores and background music help bring movies and TV shows to life. We’ve also seen a host of video games win awards for their beautiful use of music – but perhaps you weren’t aware of the important link between electronic music and online slots. 

The two seem disconnected, yet more and more online slot developers are employing musical geniuses to help them create music for their games. It’s a bold step considering most people choose to play slots to try and win money, so why would the music matter? As explore the connection between online slots and music, all suddenly becomes clear…

What Are Online Slots?

Prior to jumping into things, let’s explain what we’re talking about. Online slots are a specific type of game found on the internet. They mimic traditional slot machines and give you buttons to press to spin a set amount of reels. Find these games at online casinos allowing credit card deposits and you can bet money on them. If you get the right matching symbols, you can trigger bonus rounds or win money from your wager. Thousands of online slot games exist but the premise behind them is the same – players spend money, spin the reels and try to win. 

What Is Electronic Music?

Not to be confused with electro or electric house, electronic music refers to a much broader group of genres that typically use electronic musical instruments to create songs. This can include loud and rowdy music genres like techno and drum & bass while also covering much lighter and more relaxing genres like lo-fi or synth-wave. 

The Connection Between Electronic Music & Online Slots

We now know what we’re talking about, so where does the connection lie between the two things? All online slot games will have background music – this isn’t a new thing as it adds to the immersion for the players. However, lots of modern slots are being produced with a specific type of music – most notably two of the genres we mentioned above: lo-fi and synth-wave. 

This music choice isn’t a coincidence. 

Online software developers have specifically chosen these genres because of the psychology behind the music. In an article by Greatness titled “The Science Behind Lo-Fi Music” it’s explained how this specific electronic music genre includes sounds and beats that build concentration and aid focus

If we dig a bit deeper and look at synth-wave music we see a similar pattern emerging. We discovered an article by ELXAR Productions looking at the effects of this genre on anxiety. It’s discovered that the soothing synth sounds have an almost hypnotic beat that helps listeners relax and synchronise with the rhythm

When you combine the two types of electronic music you get something that makes people concentrate while helping them feel relaxed. It’s no wonder that online slot developers want this type of music to fuel their soundtracks! These are the exact feelings you want to elicit from someone playing your game – you want them to remain focused enough to stick around while relaxed enough to enjoy themselves. 

How Online Slots Benefit From Electronic Music

Lo-fi and synth-wave are two musical styles all game developers wish they could take advantage of. A quick search for “gaming playlists” on Spotify and the most popular options will all include lo-fi and synth-wave songs. It’s the type of music people want to listen to while gaming because it helps them escape and enjoy the game. 

The problem with conventional video games is that most are like movie productions. There’s a story and an ambience that must be met, meaning the games need their own soundtracks and musical effects to do things like build tension or provide backing sounds for epic moments. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor recently won the Grammy for “Best Score Soundtrack for Video Games” thanks to its utilisation of choirs and typically bold musical scores. You couldn’t take a game like that and slap a lo-fi or synth-wave soundtrack on it! 

That’s where online slots benefit more than most. The developers of these games recognise that players don’t care as much about immersion as they do about having a fun time. When you play slots, you want to relax, forget about your worries and have some fun. Maybe you’ll win, maybe you won’t. But hearing a nice lo-fi backing tune makes you concentrate on the game and stick around for longer. 

And therein lies the genius of using electronic music with online slots. It’s created a system where players have more fun playing the games so are more likely to have longer sessions or to come back again another time. One simple implementation and the science of electronic music has helped form a link between two industries that nobody saw coming! 

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