Home Featured deadmau5 reveals that he doesn’t really enjoy dance music
deadmau5 reveals that he doesn’t really enjoy dance music
deadmau5 Masterclass.com
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deadmau5 reveals that he doesn’t really enjoy dance music

Home Featured deadmau5 reveals that he doesn’t really enjoy dance music

Fans of Joel Zimmerman aka deadmau5, has spent his whole career making controversial statements. His latest wasn’t a dig at a fellow producer or trend but involved his feelings toward dance music overall.

Most of the time when deadmau5 makes controversial statements, they have been directed at specific instances or fellow artists. Recently, he took out his anger on the popular streaming platform Spotify. While these comments have been a keen part of his career, his latest revelation is one of the most curious yet. During a recent interview with CBC, Zimmerman reflected on his early entry into the world of music, starting as an intern in a recording studio in his hometown of Niagra Falls, Canada. Speaking of this time, the producer revealed, “I thought, ‘Wow, what a really great thing to pursue a career in—working in a studio,’ I wasn’t having these dreams of being a DJ or a producer or a creative. I wanted to be just in the rear with the gear.”

Despite becoming a legend and icon of the electronic music scene, he never intended to achieve such fame. His love for electronics and developing layers of sound was derived from listening to his father’s Tears For Fears and digesting the interplay of guitars and underlying tones. When asked about his current relationship with dance music, he is pretty blunt, “I don’t really enjoy dance music.” In a career that has provided iconic tracks such as Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff and Raise Your Weapon, these comments certainly seem odd, but he does go on to clarify his statement.

“I don’t partake. I don’t pump it in my car. I don’t walk it, I don’t talk it, I don’t breathe it, I don’t get excited about it—but I love the process of making it. I like the technical challenges. I like sonic development.”


Watch the full interview below to hear more from deadmau5 and his thoughts on dance music, his career, and more.

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