Home Avicii: True Stories documentary qualifies for Oscars consideration
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Avicii: True Stories documentary qualifies for Oscars consideration

Home Avicii: True Stories documentary qualifies for Oscars consideration

If you’ve seen it before then you understand the impact that the Avicii: True Stories documentary can have on an individual. Directed by Levan Tsikurishvili, who followed the superstar Swede for a number of years throughout his career, the 2 hour 19 minute long documentary begins with the very start of his musical journey, right up until his retirement, not long before his untimely death back in April. The 28-year-old’s legacy has continued to shine through, and Tsikurishvili has only reiterated that, with a recent Instagram post detailing that the documentary has qualified for Oscars consideration.

Released in 2017, the film depicts Avicii – Tim Bergling – as a shy, yet driven individual, who aspired to achieve with only perfect productions. However, the forced constraints placed upon him by Ash Pounouri, Avicii’s manager, through a hectic schedule contributed towards his tragic demise. The star of so many years cemented his position amongst some of the best producers to share their music with the world, and iconic early productions such as ‘Blessed‘, ‘Seek Bromance‘, and ‘Fade Into Darkness‘ saw him break into an ever-evolving scene, in which Bergling began to dominate. As ‘Levels‘ saw the light of day, Avicii became a house hold name, whilst his touring schedule filled up quickly. The stresses of stardom and the pressure that came with it saw Bergling’s deterioration over the following years. Whilst ‘Wake Me Up‘, ‘Hey Brother‘, and ‘Waiting For Lovetook over the charts, playing up to 250 shows per year took over his body, and led to an early retirement. Though the Swedish House Mafia reunion was said to have inspired Avicii to a potential return, the world never got to witness what more could still have come from one of the true greats of electronic music.

As the Oscars are just a few months away, the expectations of True Stories are yet to grow. The chance of Tsikurishvili’s documentary winning are unknown, however those to have seen it will vouch for the phenomenal quality, emotion, and passion displayed from start to finish, and winning the award would be a fitting sentiment to the work of Bergling, his team, and Tsikurishvili in directing, producing, and writing the production.

Avicii’s legacy will never die, which is a known fact, and the potentially-Oscar winning documentary shows the talent that was so beyond any individual that has been seen before. Check out the Instagram post from Levan Tsikurishvili below.

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