Home Tech Arturia MiniBrute V VST Synth: A Synth Icon Reborn
Arturia MiniBrute V VST Synth: A Synth Icon Reborn
arturia minibrute
Image credits: Arturia

Arturia MiniBrute V VST Synth: A Synth Icon Reborn

Home Tech Arturia MiniBrute V VST Synth: A Synth Icon Reborn

In 2012, the original Arturia MiniBrute analog hardware synth helped reignite the analog revolution. Co-designed by synth legend Yves Usson, its pure analog signal path and innovative features set a new standard for affordable analog synths. Now over a decade later, Arturia has reinvented the MiniBrute as a powerful software instrument – MiniBrute V.


MiniBrute V captures the raw, aggressive analog character of the original MiniBrute hardware while enhancing it with modern flexibility and new features. MiniBrute V expands on the classic MiniBrute sound with up to 8-voice polyphony or an optional monophonic mode. Its built-in effects rack has 4 slots and 17 different effect types for subtle sweetening or wild transformations. The oscillator section allows layering up to 4 classic analog waveforms like saw, square, and triangle, plus unique Ultrasaw and Metalizer waveshapers.

effects minibrute V
Image credits: Arturia

With over 150 presets covering huge basses, leads, lush pads and experimental sounds, it’s easy to find a starting point which can be further shaped via the unison mode for layered mono voices with detuning and stereo spread. The preset browser lets you explore the modulation and effects settings. Capturing the distinctive raw, aggressive analog grit of the original, MiniBrute V benefits from a modern hands-on 3D interface while authentically modeling that true analog character that cuts through mixes.

The user interface takes inspiration from hardware with a sleek 3D design in Arturia’s signature “Noir” aesthetic look. The front panel is fully playable, allowing you to tweak all controls in real time just like the original hardware. Modulation has been expanded with velocity sensitivity applied to the amp and filter envelopes for a more natural and expressive playing response. Tone-shaping capabilities are virtually infinite, providing detailed control over an immense range of analog timbres.

Soft Synth vs Original Gear [Reddit Reviews]

Overall, reviews from users who have owned both the MiniBrute 2 gear and the MiniBrute V soft synth suggest that MiniBrute V captures the core analog character of the original MiniBrute hardware quite faithfully, with the oscillators and filter modeling sounding close to the real thing. However, some feel effects like the Metalizer wavefolder have a slightly reduced range compared to the hardware. The big differentiators are that MiniBrute V can be polyphonic rather than just monophonic, and it has the addition of a built-in effects rack. On the flip side, it lacks some signature features of later MiniBrute revisions like the FM capabilities. While authentic, some find the subtractive analog emulation a bit plain compared to other software alternatives if not taking advantage of the unique elements like the Brute Factor distortion. But it seems to successfully model the distinctive analog grit that made the original MiniBrute so cutting.


The list price of the Arturia MiniBrute V VST soft synth is $199.00. For a limited time, the plugin is available for just $99.00.


Tags: Arturia, analog, MiniBrute 2, MiniBrute VST Synth

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