Home Tech iZotope RX 11 | What’s New in the Audio Repair Software?
iZotope RX 11 | What’s New in the Audio Repair Software?
iZotope RX 11
Image credits: iZotope

iZotope RX 11 | What’s New in the Audio Repair Software?

Home Tech iZotope RX 11 | What’s New in the Audio Repair Software?

iZotope, the industry-leading audio software company recently acquired by Native Instruments, has just released the latest version of its flagship RX audio repair suiteRX 11. This powerful software helps audio professionals, musicians, and content creators fix virtually any audio issue with specialized repair tools and intelligent new features.

RX 11 just like its previous versions combines visual editing capabilities with audio repair modules to tackle problems like noise, reverb, clicks, clipping, and more. Using the software’s spectrogram view, you can see your audio file represented as a visual map of all its frequencies over time. From here, you can precisely pinpoint and repair audio imperfections.

What’s New?

But the iZotope RX 11 doesn’t just rely on manual editing. It also leverages cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to automate much of the repair process. The Repair Assistant can now intelligently detect and address specific audio issues with the simple twist of a few knobs.

Another interesting new feature in RX 11 is the upgraded Dialogue Isolate module, now powered by neural networks. It can separate vocals from background sounds in real-time, while also reducing unwanted room reverb – perfect for audio post-production. The Advanced version offers multi-band processing for even cleaner results.

On the music side, RX 11 introduces some great tools for streaming platforms. The new Loudness Optimize feature uses intelligent audio analysis to maximize the perceived loudness of your music while conforming to streaming platform guidelines. There’s also a Streaming Preview module to audition how your songs will actually sound on services like Spotify.

Another innovative addition is to one of RX’s most popular features: Music Rebalance. Now it employs AI to create separate vocal and instrument stems from a full mixed track. This allows modifying levels, removing elements like vocals, or even remixing songs from the original multi-track source.

Other highlights include new side/mid editing capabilities, formant control for tweaking vocal characteristics, and optimized real-time editing performance across the board. There are even new enterprise licensing options for larger facilities.

Check out all new updates in RX 11 summarized down below:

1. Dialogue Isolate Module Overhaul[Advanced only]

  • New neural network for improved dialogue/vocal separation
  • Added Dialogue De-Reverb for reducing room reverb on vocals (Standard/Advanced)
  • Multi-band processing mode for highest quality results (Advanced only)

2. Loudness Optimize Module[Standard, Advanced]

  • Maximize perceived loudness while conforming to streaming platform requirements
  • Smart “Learn” function analyzes the file to apply optimal loudness processing

3. Streaming Preview Module[Standard, Advanced]

  • Audition how your music will sound after streaming service encoding/processing

4. Music Rebalance Module[Standard, Advanced]

  • Use AI to create separate vocal and instrumental stems from a full mixed track
  • Remix or modify individual stem levels when no original stems are available

5. Next-Gen Repair Assistant[Standard, Advanced]

  • Upgraded machine learning for improved quality and faster processing
  • Additional user controls for more flexibility

6. Mid/Side Editing Mode[Standard, Advanced]

  • Visualize and process the center/side signal components separately
  • Apply specific modules just to the mid or side signal

7. Dialogue Contour Module (Advanced)

  • Formant and Variation controls to adjust the character of edited vocal recordings
  • Ensure seamless vocal edits when stitching together multiple takes

8. Spectral Editor ARA Support[Standard, Advanced]

  • Access basic spectral editing tools like Gain, De-click, De-hum directly in DAWs
  • Currently ARA v2 support for Logic Pro, more DAWs coming soon

9. Audio Device Refresh[Standard, Advanced]

  • Quickly refresh/rescan audio devices without restarting the RX app

10. Multi-Seat Enterprise Licensing

  • New options for facilities requiring 10+ licenses
  • Dynamic licensing via iLok Server, annual payment models available


iZotope RX 11 is available in 3 different versions.

RX 11 Elements – $99 USD, with $49 introductory pricing
RX 11 Standard – $399 USD, with $299 introductory pricing
RX 11 Advanced – $1199 USD, with $799 introductory pricing
Post Production Suite 8 – $1799 USD, with $999 introductory pricing


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