Home Tech Gear YouTube Reviewer Loopop Accuses Behringer of Spreading Lies After Free Gear Claims
YouTube Reviewer Loopop Accuses Behringer of Spreading Lies After Free Gear Claims
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YouTube Reviewer Loopop Accuses Behringer of Spreading Lies After Free Gear Claims

Home Tech Gear YouTube Reviewer Loopop Accuses Behringer of Spreading Lies After Free Gear Claims

A recent online exchange has highlighted rising tensions between musical equipment manufacturer Behringer and popular YouTube gear reviewer Loopop.


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The discord stems from Behringer’s accusation that Loopop declines to review their products because the company does not provide free units for evaluation. This claim came in a Facebook comment from Behringer’s official account regarding their Toro synth: “I’m sure Starsky [Carr] will be reviewing it as, while Loopop is not reviewing products as we don’t send out free units.”


Loopop (real name Ziv Eliraz) firmly denies this, stating he has never asked Behringer for free gear to review. He reshared Behringer’s comment on his own social media, demanding they “stop spreading lies.

The spat has caught the attention of the online music tech community. Many seem to support Loopop’s stance, accusing Behringer of unprofessional conduct:

“Behringer lying doesn’t surprise me at all.”

“Behringer passive aggressively pretending they’re not hurt.”

“Our reason for not reviewing their gear has nothing to do with how good or bad it is, it is because of those exact reasons.”


The heated exchange highlights ongoing controversies surrounding Behringer’s review policies and online behavior. However, Behringer continues to dominate the affordable analog gear market. Despite ruffling feathers with outspoken tactics, they show no signs of backing down on their mission to deliver iconic instruments to the masses.


Meanwhile, Loopop remains one of the most trusted voices in music tech reviews. His in-depth videos are known for their rigorous testing and unbiased verdicts. This latest drama proves he is unwilling to compromise his principles, even when pressured by major companies. However the feud evolves, it offers a revealing glimpse into the complicated relationships between reviewers and brands.


Have a look at the conversation down below:

Next article: Is A.I. capable of converting thoughts into music?

Image credits: Behringer(left), Loopop music(right)

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