Home Tech Gear Allen & Heath reveal powerful new Avantis SOLO mixer
Allen & Heath reveal powerful new Avantis SOLO mixer
Allen & Heath Avantis Solo
Image Credit: Allen & Heath

Allen & Heath reveal powerful new Avantis SOLO mixer

Home Tech Gear Allen & Heath reveal powerful new Avantis SOLO mixer

Artists and sound engineers around the world understand the importance of having a quality mixer to ensure ideal sound, but also the difficulty of transporting gear to smaller venues or pop-up locations and festivals. The designers at Allen & Heath recognize the need for a compact yet powerful mixer to meet the needs of users and have revealed the brand-new Avantis SOLO to the marketplace.

Expanding on their award-winning Avantis series of mixers, Allen & Heath have crafted the SOLO as a portable and powerful new release that is ideal for smaller venues and rental houses, providing a mixer that is versatile on several levels. The company’s Product Specialist, Jack Kenyon, discusses the excitement and purpose of the new release and how it will hopefully fulfill a market niche for smaller venues:

At half the size of the dual-screen Avantis, yet lacking none of the power, Avantis Solo will be welcomed by owner-operators, corporate AV, and rental houses thanks to its compatibility with their existing stock of Allen & Heath expanders and networking cards. Additionally, smaller venues and houses of worship will embrace the top-end mixing experience in a form factor that can be easily dropped into mix positions where space is at a premium.

Like the rest of the Avantis line-up, the SOLO condenses the mixer into a single-screen, 12-fader unit that still delivers the Allen & Heath 96kHz FPGA engine, 64-channels, 42-bus, and 12 RackExtra FX slots all within one package. Offering users 6 XLR analog inputs, 6 XLR analog outputs, plus AES, the Avantis SOLO provides all the necessary connections, as well as built-in FX and Automatic Mic Mixing to help provide the highest quality sound no matter the location.

Those interested can pre-order the Avantis SOLO now for $9,499 and watch the Avantis Range product video below to see the full offerings from Allen & Heath.

Image Credit: Allen & Heath

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